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Showing posts from April, 2017
Inside Nonka's Head April 6, 2017 SELF STARTERS MOTIVATIONAL WORKSHOP by NJABULO MOYO I have spent some time attending workshops this year especially. I have been to some that were worth my while a little more than others, but I must say I am beginning to have a bit of an idea what is worth attending and what I should only go to if I have spare time. I met a young gentleman for the first time at a seminar about a month ago and realised he actually falls into the category of people you want to listen to. You may already know him. This is Njabulo Moyo, a life skills coach, motivational speaker, a poet and an author. I had seen posters of Njabulo’s presentations here and there but I had never actually been to any. Meeting him for the first time, I found he is very friendly and open, and is ready to assist with any knowledge he can share at the drop of a hat….which I found to be truly amazing. He is a very confident man yet willing to pass that on to the next person. This is why wh...