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FEAR ,NO FEAR! Move from a moaners and a groaners to movers and shakers

Fear kills more people than death .In order to have self motiavation  you need to acknowledge your fears.That you fear something is a first positive step towards setting your mind free for fear is truly and purely a mind game.You can overcome your fears,yes you can all you need is to take the next essential move   of practical action oriented.It is this action step that determines whether we challemge and change the way things are done or we just conform to situations and rot inside us in fear and our dreams are buried inside our hearts.As a  result we cheat the world of an important leadership gift and seed that is in us  .We can overcome our fears by  challenging the way things are done.    Fear can be simple defined as:
As leaders we become effective when we first deal with our internal fears,for the world out there is built on fear of the unknown whilst success is based on tackling and coming face to face with what we have created for ourelves as fear.Fear no one but the Lord, God who has power to create human beings ,who has the ability to give wisdom.This will enable you to pitch your flag of hope on the highets mountains of your fears and live a meaningful life .Stay motivated !!

"Motivation is spiritual ,leadership is viral"  


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