We are motivated so that we can motivate others.motivation is a part of life ,it is your duty .Motivation is the source of hope ,it rejuvinates,challenges ,provokes and gives us a reason to soldier on.Motivation serves as a source of therapy to many souls.Motivation is spiritual ,it works in the inside and informs our outward actions ,it is a transformational leaders` number one software that informs his/her hardware.When you are motivated ,you are a challenge to those who are dreading sluggards.Many times people say qoutes and we are inspired just for a moment as our hair is raised and we are emotionally moved.The question is: then what?? You see in leadership you take a further step with the motivation or inspiration that you come across,dont just get inspired but convert the inspiration into action.Below i have gathered some quotes from various scholars ,enjoy ,get inspired but most imporatantly take action and let your works inspi...
Inspiration,Motivation and Poetry: Defining creativity through the pen