Charles Mungoshi in his book "Waiting for the
rain" alludes to various themes in contemporary African affairs ranging from personal desire to achieve, self emancipation , cultural independence, colonial freedom and the struggles of family disintegration amongst other themes .The key point being that as human beings we go
through phases and processes which take time
,courage and patience .We leave our lives waiting for moments of breakthrough
for the moments of break though are seemingly also waiting for those that are patient, resilient and take action towards making their lives and those of others better. Our
lives are like the water cycle with water being a critical ingredient for our existence. Likewise we meet challenges that take
long to be overcome, we thirst, we are discouraged and hopeless but to those
who wait, it surely rains and when it rains it’s up to us to harvest the water.
We choose the size of the harvesting container and it’s up to us to see
opportunities and move forward with them. As it rains in the country, let it
also rain in your life Let promises be fulfilled, let life begin as you face
your challenges knowing that it’s a battle and for it to be won sacrifices have
to be made .The clouds are a symbol of hope, the lightning represents those
scary moments we encounter before success, the rain drops are like clues that
for a lifetime puzzle, so the more the drops the nearer we are to achieving our
goals. The lightning moments are there to raise fear, to try and test us .Our
life task is to raise hope and walk towards success, for indeed the road may be
thorny but that same road requires people like you to walk on it! Waiting for
the rain is patience, the act of us predicting it is those trying times we go
through to an extent of nearly giving up,
even if it comes at its own time, it still rains!.Nothing will stop an idea
whose time has come; nothing that is something will stop what God has planned for you, what
He has planted in us we need to water through our actions, thoughts and aspirations.
Therefore submit your plans to the Lord and all the desires of our heart shall come into existence. For like a raging storm nothing can stop
us from receiving our blessings even if the devil attacks and plants doubt in
our minds
Inspiration,Motivation and Poetry: Defining creativity through the pen