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Insight into my third book : "Motivating the Inner Soul"

This compendium of wise sayings, teachings, philosophy and life experiences is aptly titled, Motivating the Inner Soul, for indeed it simply does that. The analytic reflection on everyday themes of leadership, vision, hope, happiness, love, faith and motivation is quite refreshing and leaves the reader profoundly transformed. Also, this work is simple and straightforward making it user-friendly to the various classes of its readership.
It is very likely, perhaps by design that each reader would come out with a different story from this book. In motivating the inner soul of each individual different life experiences and one’s goals in life would most likely result in differential motivation per individual. It is, as the author says that life is like reading a book, every page raises a question and an answer. The inner self is brought to the fore.
While this work motivates and inspires at the same time, it provokes questions that have dominated history without agreed solutions. The issue of leadership is a profound question, especially in Africa and the developing world. Leadership as a concept and practice has proven to be elusive and hence the abysmal state of affairs afflicting many societies and communities. Leadership goes with vision, an equally elusive phenomena that many leaders are grappling with but to no avail.
Reading through this book, your spirit is lifted. You get inspired. You become hopeful. It talks of transformative leadership that is viral and inspires hope. Hope is a choice, we are told here, and motivation is the source of that hope. Nurturing your vision, dealing with fear, managing influence and success are unpacked with unusual flair. One time, the Bible story or verse are cited and next a lesson is drawn from the Brazilian soccer performance.
This book can be read or consulted like a story book or a reference book. Some may read it from cover to cover but some may forage it anyhow, whichever way one approaches it the effect could be the same. It motivates. Actually, there is no ending to the message contained since transformation is itself a process and not an end in itself. Enjoy reading this work.
Dr. Samukele Hadebe


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