My mother, my role model
The most beautiful creation
That God has ever created
When I was born I cried
But you smiled and laughed
When life got rough ,you got tough
My mother, my role model
When it was time for school
It was ice cold and unpleasant
But you made me cool
You gave me hope that helped me cope
When it was time to marry
You made me merry as you loved my wife Mary
Who is as beautiful as Hallie Berry
You loved my miss right at sight
When my children became a bother
You made me stronger
My mother, my role model
When you died
My joy dried
Now, I realize how hard it was for you to raise me
Thank you for the free food
Thank you for the free transportation
Thank you for the free oxygen
That you provided when I was in your womb
No engagement on this Earth can amount to your love
My mother, my role model.
NJABULO MOYO- “The Bulawayo Dream “