Mentoring is a relationship that is based on inspiration, encouragement, teaching, truth and reality. Is between the one who inspires (mentor) and the one who is mentored (protégé).mentoring can be at many levels, for example spiritual mentors, peer mentors financial mentors amongst others. Rusty Bernstein argues that :“Mandela’s endurance and charisma made him the symbol of our struggle --- Tambo’s single-mindedness and diplomatic skills sponsored the worldwide campaign against apartheid ---- And Sisulu, the ‘father of them all’, set the strategic directions and the standards of humanity and comradeship which characterised the SA liberation movement.’ At some point the above mentioned leaders were mentors and still mentoring people for a good mentor continues to have influence even after their death. The following are some of the traits of a good mentor as exhibited by Jesus
• He dialogued.
• He illustrated truth by pointing to the commonplace and by telling obscure parables.
• He answered questions and asked questions.
• Events like the healing of a man with a paralyzed hand led to discussion in which the character and purposes of God were more sharply unveiled.
• The disciples observed Jesus' life while traveling with him, and
• Jesus gave them life assignments, as when he sent them out two by two.
This powerful, intimate form of instruction is best understood as discipling (matheteuontas) Below are some biblical examples of mentoring /discipling
• Moses and Joshua:- prepared Joshua to lead Israel (Deut 31:1-8, 34:9)
• Samuel and David (1 Sam 16, 19:18-24)
• Jonathan and David- an example of peer mentoring
• Elijah and Elisha:- tutored and prepared Elisha (1 Kings 19:16-21, 2 Kings 2:1-16)
• Barnabas and Paul. Acts 9:27
• Barnabas and John Mark (Acts 15:36-39, 2 Tim 4:11)
• Paul and Timothy (Acts 16:1-3, Phil 2:19-23)
• Priscilla and Aquilla and Apollos (Acts 18:1-3, 24-28)