Real change goes beyond changing your own life, it happens when you positively impact on other people`s lives. True leaders reach self-actualization when they have fully transformed the lives of those in need, of those whom they are not even related too ,those who have never cared nor thought about them, those who are marginalized ,those who are vulnerable. When you shape the lives of other people by contributing to the fulfilment of their vision, you have actually made positive impact .You have actually planted a seed of continuity in terms of leaders who can transform people’s lives. When someone touches and positively impacts in your life, the best you can ever do is to impact on others, to create a cycle of impact .In the end it is about what you give out to the world that matters and not what you get from it.
Some call it cash money, imali, muler ,some say its the love of it is the root of all evil whilst others say it makes the world go around.The most interesting thing about money is that some of us cannot leve without it and neither can they live with it for to them its a case of "more money more problems" .Over the years,scholars have argued that: "the greatest source of motivation is money.Well we all need money as a means of exchange and to facilitate trade transactions and a store of value .However ,to a greater extent money has failed to motivate many people for the greatest motivator is a strong, clear and passionate vision. This surpasses the desire for money or any gain whatsoever!Money cannot buy you a vision but a clear vision can get you money.