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One of the greatest feelings a writer  performer or should I say an artist could ever get is that of getting verbal or written feedback. Yes at times it is a scary moment as people perform a medical operation of our work. Some base their points on what they have seen elsewhere whilst others bring forth their expectations versus our delivery. The past three months have seen me giving birth to two children .The first African Sketches a motivational poetry anthology and From Moaners and Groaners to Movers and Shakers, a motivational talk series. My twitter account has been flooded with twits together with Facebook messages. I take this opportunity to share with you some of the messages, i hope that the owners of the messages will not take offensively .I shall mention no names. I am sharing these messages because they have inspired me to soldier on and I believe they can also inspire you to see opportunities in challenges. The messages are not edited and are as follows:    

“enjoying your poetry collection immensely. am being miserly with it, a poem a day... it resonates the force of your personality”

@njabulomoyo i like the book #africansketches ,and my favourite poem is #Democracy congrats...

“dude, I bought your book ,reading it .Its new, fresh .@njabulomoyo#nf
 Retweeted by njabulomoyo

“Been reading @njabulomoyo's book African Sketches. Two thumbs up!”

“Congratulations on the successful launch @njabulomoyo#Intwasa2012

“My pleasure, it was great editing it, and I knew that once we overcame the few stylistic hurdles that you had, it was gonna be a good book that people will like. I had not started on the other book, but will do so ASAP. Enjoy”

“I feel this article speaks to me in large volumes. Indeed it is imperative for us as active global citizens to be able to create within ourselves brands. This means what people see is our image, our brand, and wherever our name is imprinted, be it a digiprint or in a publication, it is associated with who we are. I suggest people start of by conducting themselves, even on the social circle, with a sense of professionalism. This, meaning to say, wherever you go, does not sign off every conversation with a promise that you will not fulfil. The brand called you demands that you deliver upon every pledge that you make, because every promise is a credit. Be a moving brand, like my counterpart above has mentioned.
“I lyk yo poems jb”
“Hey my brother how you doing? Thanks for responding positively to the invite, it means a lot, and that got me thinking, would you mind coming with a copy to give for free? If you were not slamming we could arrange a guest slot for you then you can say a few words about your book, read a bit from it and donate a copy for the winning poet. It would really go a long way and encourage other poets to get published. You will also get a chance to make new contacts and push a few copies. So what do you say? THANKS A MILLION
No man, thank you! This will be the first time we have a published poets speaking and donating a book, I think it helps to motivate the guys coming up
We would like to thank everyone that came through today, the audience and the poets with special thanks to Njabulo Moyo for donating three copies of his book to the establishment and Arnold SoProfound Chirimika our brother who joined us from Harare. We hope to see you all again, intact, especially that hot chic who was at our table but I was too dumb to take her number. “
“helo sir, ive been meaning to congratulate you for your latest work, realy you are a motivation to many of us, and its such an honour to have meet you in person and interected with u, i believe God is taking you very far sir. despise not the days of small biggining for your latter will be greater, says the Lord”

@njabulomoyo a mover & shaker of our time, we draw inspiration from your work sir, thank u, eMoyo baba, we'll be there in full force!
@njabulomoyo now reciting #MyMother #MyRoleModel to generous applause from the students

“I’m proud of u bro for raising African flag high when you tagged me in your photo wgich read "change ahead" it all looked like a joke but now u have embraced it and got us motivated. Im currently in Botswana and do need the book i wonder what can i do to get my copy too so far i have been reading Dear Africa by Prophet Andrew Wutawunashe and i think you should meet him too and keep motivating. I need a copy in Bots wat can i do”

“Thanks've greatly inspired me through your blog
What a blessing to have amongst our breed, in our time, our generation, a philosopher born & bred on Mzilikazi soil that wants to ''give toes to the world''... like he says, that this is a ''calling'', #ubizo its evident he didn't borrow or lend it from anyone its oozes from him, i don't know what exactly it is but it rubbed off on me, I’m inspired to stop moaning & groaning & start moving & shaking! syabongaNjabulo Moyo
“pleasure finally meeting u @njabulomoyo your work is nt 4 pple 2 see but 4 them 2 experience, an indication that God is present, active...”

After all this feedback I actually feel challenged to do better and continue motivating people ,for to me motivation is not about me but it is a calling from God and what you have done is to help me answer to it. Stay Motivated for greatness, for great is he that liveth in you (The Lord) than he that is in the world. Your feedback has humbled me, surely ‘umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu”, you have made me who I am. The time is now let the lion that is in you roar!!  

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