Many a times people make us feel like we are just but some 21st Century living version of Charles
Dickens Oliver Twist .Always asking for more and never getting out of the
poverty trap. This happens because we tend to live life focusing on the
problems and challenges that come with it .When we are imprisoned by dire
circumstances we lose confidence and behave more like desperate naïve
individuals whose lives are just but like reeds shaken by the wind for fear closes
our eyes, failure shuts us out from the world of success and poverty enslaves our minds .Open your eyes and
you will realise that you have the potential to be respected like Oliver
Mtukudzi (international icon and renowned Zimbabwean musician) and the power to
be celebrated like Oliver Tambo (a South African liberation hero and a champion
of democracy and equality ).The are some many Oliver`s out there and all of
us have the potential to be the best Oliver and this we can achieve by
occupying time and space in other people’s lives. Life is like climbing a
mountain we have to go in rounds in order to reach to the top .At times we wish
and think of shortcuts though shortcuts tend to end in high cut of challenges .But always remember that when you reach the
mountain top you have to start thinking of even greater heights. Fear is when
we take our eyes away from the life purpose that God has given us ,fear is the
cousin of hate for love does not fear .It is ok to fear but it is better to
face our fears .
Hope challenges us to think beyond the now ,for the now is
limited to what is our horizon. Hope rejuvenates us to stand up and be battle
ready for victory .Remember to concentrate on winning the war and not the
battle, for many a times we focus our eyes on small battles and lose the
war. So i challenge you this very day to raise your head for you are a Queen/King , mother of
many nations ,a champion of leadership and a source of inspiration to many .In the end always take note
that if your dreams do not scare you then you haven't started moving towards
greatness. When great people feel low they find strength in the victories they
have established, this way you find back your inner strength.Yes we are all Olivers of this world but the choice is our hands to choose which Oliver we want to be known as .
I Am Motivation 365 (IAM365)