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From Writers to Authors (FWA)

From Writers to Authors (FWA) is a mentorship platform for budding young and establishing writers .It seeks to promote a culture of writing and publishing of books by local writers as a means of enhancing the literacy standards in Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole. This initiative comes against a background of a limited number of local authors in bookshops and public libraries as opposed to the influx of foreign authors. The target group is that of young people in schools,universities and those that are out of the school framework.Many young people have the passion for writing ,they have a story ,a poem or an article but lack the means of publishing their work in a professional manner .Project FWA will work with a local publisher Ko-Maseko Art and Ceramic Publishers which published the award winning children’s book The River God Unyaminyami by Fortune Tazvivinga and Isiginci Sika Mqhelisi by Owen Maseko.The key note speaker will be the just appointed Africa Youth Writers Organisation country director and motivational speaker Njabulo Moyo the author of African Sketches and Sketches from my soul

*To provide a platform for writers to understand the processes involved in book publishing
*To establish a Bulawayo Writers Association
*To expose writers to potential publishers

Program in Brief
Stage 1
Difference between writers and authors
Why write after all?
Identifying and developing your own style of writing
Whom are you waiting for?
Stage 2
The manuscript
At what stage can I submit a manuscript
Choosing the size of your book
What are the qualification requirements
Stage 3
Editing and copyright
Role of a book editor
Strategic positioning of the product
Marketing & Book launches
Stage 4
Self-Publishing versus Traditional Publishing
Costs involved in publishing
Stage 5
Finding your purpose in writing
Writing as a stepping stone
-- Audience building


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