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Last Friday: Sketches from My Soul, BOOK LAUNCH

·  28 October, 2013
·  Written by  Chris Nqoe

Rain is considered a considered a good sign in African culture and tradition. In equal comparison, time is really not a concept that’s respected by people of African descent.  Now imagine our surprise this past Friday, when right on cue, 5PM to be precise, the heavens above Bulawayo opened up to bless our thirsty city with torrential rain. 
The random event organiser would have been caught in a panic, praying to God to cease the floodgates of Heaven and ensure invited guests made it to the Sketches from My Soul book launch at the Bulawayo Theatre. Now picture what actually transpired at the venue of the launch, right under the pouring rain. Guests were instead seemingly oblivious to the rain, posing for close to three photographers on the red carpet, capturing moments that will become WhatsApp avatars and Facebook profile pictures.
Book lovers, the literati, media,  poets and Bulawayo’s young socialites came out in force for Njabulo Moyo’s official book launch. Considering the event took place on a rainy Friday evening, the final turnout was pretty encouraging and guests were treated to a book launch with many distinct differences. Zebra Daughter gave a moving recital from the book to start off the night and her delivery definitely lent some energy to the space and guests. The team at dEck, curated the entire event, which featured entertainment from the best emerging band in town Pronix and the Harmonics. It was our first time seeing them after their splendid showing at  Intwasa and they lived up to the bill, ensuring guests were shuffling feet and jazzing to their rhythm. Also present on the line-up was Afro JAZZ muso, Jahbue another of the city’s emerging music talents and he too gave his audience a commendable performance that was complete with an encore number.
Hosted by an elegant Nkanyeziyethu Malunga, the launch introduced the author to a new league of published poets. Sketches from My Soul is Moyo’s second book and it’s set the scene for more inspiring works from the young Motivational speaker. An interesting concept seen on the night was the Live Painting  done by renowned city artist Fisani Nkomo. From a blank canvas at the beginning of the event, the audience watched as he painted an abstract work of art that’s set to be a collector’s item in the near future, If Moyo’s book sales allow.
Made possible with the partnership of British Council (Bulawayo), Celsoft, Hunnar Management Agency and The Coffee Shop, this was a book launch in a unique dimension. It was immensely inspiring to see a diverse collective of the city’s young crop of artists turn out to support, maybe the red carpet and cameras from Lifestyle TV Show, BYO SWAGG contributed to this?  In a space of two hours, the balcony at Bulawayo Theatre filled up pretty quickly, yet the snack platters and assortment of drinks were enough for all guests. Special appreciation to the team at The Coffee Shop for the yummy bites.
Those that arrived fashionably late or failed to pitch up, missed out on the musical performances, hilarious ooops moments from the gorgeous hostess and hanging out with a cool young crowd, at a superbly organised event that began on time and ended as anticipated. Even the rain did little to dampen the spirit of the night. Sketches from My Soul is now available for sale at $8 A COPY.


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