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Njabulo Moyo has been one of the young artists to have made significant mark. Arguably one of the youngest people to have self published a book in the form of motivational poetry, Moyo is an Inspirational Motivator, who has a deep passion for leadership.   

He was raised in the dusty and chaotic streets of Mzilikazi, right in the midst of the Okapi lifestyle,and emerged a young man with a different vision. Today he shares his vision with the world. Coming from a fairly middle class background, his history is filled with challenges, but he does not allow this to hinder his vision. He grew up wanting to have an impact on the lives of people and having influence on those who do not yet know him.   

The young author /speaker, affectionately known amongst his close friends as 'The Inspirational Motivator', has been using poetry as a niche in redefining his motivational aspect. In a statement by Chris Mlalazi, Njabulo Moyo;
     '…uses poetry as a motivational tool that challenges and encourages, provokes and prunes. His poetry has a unique style that is inspired by contemporary affairs and the need for society to see opportunities in challenges. The anthology signals the birth of motivational poetry. Through this anthology (The Inspirational Motivator) vividly demonstrates his belief that poetry is a language that needs to be guarded jealously and practiced on a daily basis to ensure that it survives for ages.'     

Moyo is not new in poetry circles as he was featured     as a performing poet in the Action Youth “Listen to Youth Project 2010” DVD compilation which was done by Jermaine Ndlovu under the British Councils Global Change Makers.  He has participated in the Premier Festival of Intwasa as a performance poet since 2009 under the British Councils Echoes of Young Voices youth group, which promotes the arts and creativity. He was a finalist during the Power in the Voice 2006 High Schools competition where he was competed with the young talent of Bulawayo.   

His inspirational talk has led him to have an impact in various platforms, for example, in Sweden, Denmark and Lebanon. So far The Inspirational Motivator has published one book under his name, called AFRICAN SKETCHES, the second edition of which is about to be published by LionheART Publishing House (due out 1st February 2013). The book is unique and attempts to break virgin ground using a fresh approach to poetry. It is in this context that the book has been viewed as a pace setter, as well as a direct encouragement to other young people in Zimbabwe.    
AFRICAN SKETCHES explores the mis-told truths and the ills that other people have dared not explore. John Eppel, a renowned author upon reflection of the African Sketches, noted that:   
     '“Sketches” is an apt description of these laconic poems, which range in content from domestic issues such as family relationships, through a meta-textual awareness of words (the tools of the poet) to the sensitive, and sometimes dangerous, issue of Zimbabwean politics. 
     These sketches are deeply African, not only in content but in form, since the chief influences of the poet’s style are praise poetry (connecting us to our oral tradition), and rap: a style created by Africans in the Diaspora, in particular the West Indies and the USA.
     Njabulo Moyo is one of a group of talented young poets from Bulawayo who dare to be noticed.  We, the older generation of writers, are very proud of them.'     

It has been written with such a modern touch, that the book has been relevant to young people in particular. The impression that Moyo gave in the first book, has made him gain recognition even amongst the seasoned poets like The Protest Poet. In reviewing the book, The Protest Poet marvelled at the book and commented that:   
     'African Sketches is a book with a lot of marks and traces. It meanders with different themes which exude the theme of hope and motivation. The poems are written in a unique manner which is simply but imbued with intellectual sophistication that seeks to speak to you and all.'

The Inspirational Motivator (TIM) has been highly motivated by the influential Motivators like, Milton Kamwendo and Kenn Annandale. It is in this regard that he has shown deep passion in motivating young people to be creative and influential in their communities. He has been involved in Motivational Talk in schools like, Mzilikazi High, St Gabriel’s and Metro College. It is from these platforms that he has made a critical mark amongst the young people and has been viewed as more transformation.  His belief in motivation has seen him conducting a book talk series, popularly dubbed: “From Moaners and Groaners to Movers and Shakers”. The book talk was conducted in partnership with the American Corner. 

Currently The Inspirational Motivator is working on two compilations, the first being a joint partnership with the young artist Keith Mpatha,  AFRICAN SKETCHES 2, whilst his second project is what he terms Motivational Leadership. The already promising book shall be entitled: MOTIVATING THE INNER SOUL and will be available soon from LionheART Publishing House.    
Njabulo Moyo can be contacted at:  

 Follow him on twitter: @njabulomoyo

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